This guide will guide you through the process of signing up at Green X and verify your account to level 1.

Step 1: Go to GreenX Sign Up Page.

Please fill in the form to register as a user on our exchange platform.

Once done, user will receive the message above.

Step 2: Login to your email and then open the email with the title "Active your Account." sent from "[email protected]".  Click on “Activate Account” button to activate your account.

Step 3: User will be redirected user to screen below to indicate email has been verified successfully. You may login to GreenX now.

Account Verification

For your security, some of our services require you to provide basic or additional levels of verification.

Step 4: Locate and click “My Profile” button on the top. Click “START VERIFICATION” button.

Step 5: Click “Continue” button in the pop window on the left and fill up the necessary information’s to continue. 

Step 6: Verification result will be known shortly. Status of a successful verified account will be shown as above.

A verified account allowed user to trade cryptocurrency such as BTC/ETH.

Two-Factor Authentication

Step 7:  Locate "Two-Factor Authentication" by follow the image above (Profile>Profile & Security)

Step 8:  QR code window wills pop-up, once the Two-Factor Authentication is switched ON.

Step 9:  Scan the QR code by using Google Authenticator App on you smartphone.

Type the 6 digits code that show in the Google Authenticator App into the pop-up.

**Google Authenticator App can be download via GOOGLE PLAY or APP STORE.**


Congratulation! User has successfully registered an account with GreenX and verified his account to level 1.